God Speaks Through Movies

I love going to the cinema. It is a part of Icelandic culture that I have gladly accepted. I have always connected with good stories and good characters, especially those of the fantastical variety. (Hence why I am a proud self-proclaimed Star Wars/Lord of the Rings/Doctor Who Geek [yes, with a capital G]). Fantasy provides an outlet for describing spiritual realities and truths in a way we can understand on a deep level. Sometimes, spiritual stuff is difficult to describe in a way our minds can comprehend or describe in words at all (or is that just me?). But when placed in a world of fantasy and fictional characters, it becomes easier to understand, at least on a heart level. This is one of the ways God likes to speak to me.

Over the last month or so, I saw two movies that seemed to hit on the same theme in what God was saying to me: Doctor Strange and Fantastic Beasts (I thought they were both great films and really enjoyed them!). Both are fantasy on some level and deal with magic. In my opinion, Christians have not had the best reactions to movies like these because of the ‘magic’ element being anti-Christian. But if taken on a fictional basis, I think God has a lot to say through movies like these. Of course, there are a lot of differences in these movies, but there was one theme that I felt God speaking about in both of them.

There is a group of people that have a power that ‘normal’ people do not have. They see the world as it really is, while others are ignorant of what is really happening, not because they are more intelligent but only because they know the truth. The group in each movie take it as their duty to fight against the darkness and protect the world on behalf of those who do not have the power. They see the enemy while others do not, and know what it is. Sound familiar? I thought so too.

I can really identify with this idea since this is kind of my main objective for my life in Iceland: to chase away the darkness and help reclaim the territory inhabited by the enemy. (Sounds like a fantasy movie right?) I have the power of the Holy Spirit so that I can carry out this mission. I am not always the best at it, but I am learning. But this is sometimes what it feels like; that I see the enemy while others are unaware. It feels a bit crazy and a bit secret sometimes. The movies serve as an interesting analogy and encouraged me not to give up the fight, even when it feels like I am living in a different reality bordering on the fantastic.

I suppose that is the difference between the reality of the Christ-follower and the stories of wizards and sorcerers in the movies. We want everyone to know the truth (in fact this is our main objective), while the characters either want to be secret or selective. But every analogy has a breaking point.

I might not be able to manipulate the mirror-dimension or keep a magical zoo in a suitcase (even though I would love that! Seriously, that would be amazing), but I can sure prayer-walk the enemy into a corner until they give up! The power of the Lord in me is infinitely greater than any wizard’s magic.


“You dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” –1John 4:4

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